Art Competition Archive

Beth Stamp

Story and artwork from Beth Stamp

I am mostly self-taught. I have had some watercolor online classes but sketching is new to me. My lack of experience with sketching has been a stumbling block but still, I persist.

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I want to touch people with my art

Story and artwork from Lynn Wilson

“I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say ‘he feels deeply, he feels tenderly.’”
Vincent van Gogh

After working for over 40 years in careers that include manufacturing, purchasing, and technical writing, I recently retired and decided I wanted to paint portraits. But portrait painting is proving to be a challenge as I lack any formal art training or schooling and did not have the benefit of a nearby artist community for training or support.

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A little bird once told me…

Story and artwork from LUCIA DI GAETA

Born in Italy, citizen of the world, currently living in the UK.

Art is my escape. It takes me to a place where I am free, where my soul speaks and my imagination comes to life.

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The feast

Story and artwork from Irina Shiey

Dear all,

Thank you for considering me for the award. I have been painting lately. I never thought that I can paint.

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Seeking my Future through Art

Story and artwork from Mike SanDiego

Greetings to Everyone!

I have been seeking my future in art for many years, and after almost two decades of hard work I have found myself in a challenging situation, as many others have, and faced with choices to either sink or swim. I chose to swim, and do the utmost I can to stay afloat. Art may seem like a difficult choice to make a career from, but for me this is a passion that I must turn from dream into reality. Even in the midst of the pandemic, with all the challenges it brings, I refuse to give up.

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I will remind you What Art Used to Be

Story and artwork from Maria Isabel de Souza Cassilha I’m Maria. The last year in quarentine, I started drawing again after a break of 10 years. at that time,I had decided other carrer path, but eventually Art whispered into my ears and came back into my life, and now I have no choice but to listen to it.. Art has…

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Live to draw and draw to live

Story and artwork from Edison Toapanta

My name is Edison Toapanta. I am participating in this competition to become a great artist and make drawing my way of life.

My purpose in wanting to be an artist is to be able to live from art, specifically from drawing because it is the only activity that I really enjoy, because it gives me a reason to think that I can also be incredible and move people with my work, well because makes my heart beat with great emotion. So I think it takes the second place among the most precious things for me after my family, after all it is what I want to dedicate my entire life to.

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Art as my Passion

Story and artwork from Anagha B.

Hello everyone, I am a student from India. I don’t know where to start or how to start. Here in India there are many art teachers and students who would teach them to draw during there vacations. Indian thinks that art can’t be taken as a profession and its not given much due attention. In my case that was what happened. My parents let me to study drawing for 2 months when I was in 4th standard and after that I couldn’t continue my studies. There where lot of family problems and pressure that I can’t in my dreams too can’t take drawing as my profession. As I grew up my craving for art and drawing increased. I would search in Youtube for videos as I can’t afford to pay for my art classes.

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New in arts

Story and artwork from Cindy Delory

Hello Everybody!

When I have seen your different website, I have a truly crush about your learning. I feel that you way to learn correspond me! I am on a crossroad about my life and I prepare to move in an another country (I cross the finger very strong for that) and hence, I can’t engage myself in a fine-arts training.

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