Art Competition Archive



Artwork by Yvonne Denysschen

My name is Yvonne, I am caring, kind and very bubbly! After school I went straight to work but it doesn’t necessarily means what I do in work is my passion. Drawing and painting is my passion if I could draw for the rest of my life I would if only art pays the bills!! :D

I think its a good opportunity for young individuals to grow their talent as well as finding themselves as individuals…

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Charcoal drawing

Charcoal drawing

Artwork by Olga Retyunskaya


My name is Olga. I love drawing since I was a kid. But I have never done this professionally. I only started to think that I need art education about a year ago.

I started to make sketches every day, painting literally everything I see. I like oil painting a lot and made several pieces using this technique.

At the moment I use the Internet as the main source of art education. I would like to improve my skills under guidance of Drawing Academy teachers…

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I have a great desire to learn drawing

I have a great desire to learn drawing

Artwork by Yaroslava Slavkina

Hello, to everyone! My name is Yaroslava, I’m from Kiev, Ukraine.

I’m going crazy from drawing since I was a child.

But no drawing knowledge and unsuccessful attempts made me believe that I can not draw.

I have a son Alexey he is nine and he likes to draw very much. He often asks me : “how to draw this or that”.

And because of him I started learning how to draw to explain him…

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Desires to be better than Unique but to be Simply Amazing!

Desires to be better than Unique but to be Simply Amazing!

Artwork by Alasia Unique

Since the age of six, Al Asia Unique has learned to express herself on canvas. From re-creating the beauty that she sees with her eyes to imagining worlds beyond expression, this artist brings theory to reality. Her multi cultural upbringing allows her to see things from different perspectives. Her life’s experiences allow her to evoke emotions from deep within and lay them out before you in picture form…

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A stubborn potential artist needs your vote!!

A stubborn potential artist needs your vote!!

Artwork by Julio

I never received any artistic training not even practiced on my own until September last year. I always enjoyed art but I never considered myself with enough “talent” to give it a try.

Just out of curiosity I looked into several links in internet and some books and I frequently saw the same agreement, drawing is just another skill that can be learnt. Knowing myself I might not be “talented” but surely I am stubborn enough to learn anything if it requires passion and practice and I have plenty of those..

Also since I started I noticed how drawing is now really important to me. When I draw I loose completely the sense of time and I am not able to explain clearly how does it make me feel. I guess is one of those things you need to experiment yourself to have a clear understanding of what I mean. So I also take the opportunity to invite you to give it a try. You can not be worse of what I thought of myself when I started…

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Hope and inspiration

Hope and inspiration

Artwork by Irina Howard

I have always believed that when somebody speaks from their heart, it will touch the hearts of others. Art has always been a meaningful and excited passion of mine through life. It is how I see the world and express my own. It changed my life; it brought more meaning, motivation, and excitement than anything else did.

Making art to me is a very deep process, personal discovery, and development. I would compare myself to a stranger who travels through life, looking for a dreamland. While traveling, struggles a lot, goes through hardships, losses, needs, but in the end finds something inside which gives strength, love, and hope, and leads to a land where you may have peace and joy.

My goal is to bring more hope and inspiration into this world; to increase a person’s value and add to their significance, and to make the world a better place to live in. It would be the biggest reward and the greatest inspiration to see this actually happen. I believe if you are willing to put your heart and effort into something, you will reach your stars…

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Ricardo Basilio – Artist

Ricardo Basilio – Artist

Artwork by Ricardo Basilio

I’m drawing since I was a child. I remember my father bringing some papers and pencils from the office and, for me, that was the best present. Some years later, I had the happiness to find two excellent teachers: Geraldo Aguiar and Renato Alarcão.

Watercolours and Dry pastel are my favorite techniques and, when I see the members are presenting here, I think this is one more place to consider as a school…

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Fish is turning into plastic. Are we?

Fish is turning into plastic. Are we?

Artwork by Sanjana Malik

I love nature, animals and oceans. As we know, oceans are being polluted by tons of plastic and then animals like fish, sea turtles either gets entangled or consume the plastic. Similarly, I show how fish are being affected by plastic in my art. I used pieces of plastic to cover half of fish body to depict that it’s transforming into plastic. So I just want to create awareness about plastic in the ocean through my art…

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Love of my life

Love of my life

Artwork by Armand de Bruyn

Drawing has been the love of my life i guess, since my early school days i have had a love for sketching, my very first sketches were of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and i would practice getting each one of them correctly. From there a never ending passion for art grew which to this day 30 years later has not left me. I have never really had the chance to make a career out of art but i would love to one day be able to be professional enough to regard my work as viable for career use…

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Art of Mao

Art of Mao

Artwork by Mauricio Calderon

Hi everyone, my name is Mauricio Calderon. I’m currently working as animator and compositor, but my real dream is to live painting and earn money doing my art. I’m 35 years old and it’s time to make my dreams something real.

For someone like me, who is working, married and far away from U.S.A and Europe, it is a very good place to learn.

I want to win the Drawing Academy course because I need to improve my drawing skills…

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