Love of my life

Artwork by Armand de Bruyn
Drawing has been the love of my life i guess, since my early school days i have had a love for sketching, my very first sketches were of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and i would practice getting each one of them correctly. From there a never ending passion for art grew which to this day 30 years later has not left me. I have never really had the chance to make a career out of art but i would love to one day be able to be professional enough to regard my work as viable for career use. To this end i have the last year or so seriously started working on learning the techniques necessary to help my artwork grow and i would love the chance to gain any information or learning material to further my studies.
Drawing Academy has awesome tips, and it is easy to use. Great resource for growing artists.
I wan to win this course to further my learning so that one day i might use my art to make a living.
I love art. I would like to be given the chance to share my art with the world.
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