The beginning of a story

The beginning of a story

Story and artwork from Wenshu He

Hi! I am Wenshu He.

Art has always been a big part of my life. I started calligraphy and drawing when I was five years old. As a teenager, I had the chance to learn the systematic drawing method, but I did not take it seriously at the time. My major in university was AD design. Now, I want to learn human body structure, the golden ratio in characters and landscapes, and so on.

When I saw the Drawing Academy video, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for. I am drawn to Russian art. In fact, my father and I collected sketching tutorials from Repin Academy of Fine Arts and Soviet pictorials while I was in China.

After moving to Canada, I am now trying to rebuild my life and open an art studio. I want to win the course so I can begin systematic learning and then use my imagination to create characters. I like to paint to tell different stories, bring a little joy to others, and make memories of the world around me.

Why vote for me? Perhaps you understand my passion and want to help me pursue my dreams, or you may be motivated by what you felt when you saw my portraits.

Thanks to all of you for sharing and voting for me to win the competition.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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