The Artist Transcends Within

Article by Anna Kotze
When we look at the world and observe all there is to see, within its boundaries, it feels as if we are observing a world that is happening ‘outside’. We are observing things that are happening around and above from where we are standing. The truth is, that everything we observe is happening inside of us. The person you observe standing opposite you, is actually happening inside of you. The sunset you are admiring with its fusion of changing colors, is happening inside of you.The artwork you are admiring is also literally happening inside of you. You can call it your own experience.
Let me explain the inward process: we all know that light waves enter from the object to the retina, reflected as an upside down picture that processed and interpreted by the brain. This is all happening inside of you. You will then experience related reactions, feelings and emotions and respond accordingly. What you are observing in this world is all happening inside of you. Nothing is observed on the outside, it can only be observed on the inside. Also reading this article is happening inside of you. Is this not magic?
This is especially true of art as it is observed and then projected, still inside, to even deeper levels of experience within, just like peeling an onion. Art has the capacity to not only travel from the retina to the brain but also to the heart and then the mysterious, we call Soul or Spirit or both. Always remind yourself that creating art is finding a truth within yourself that is transcended. This is why the Catholic Church used art to communicate the mysterious dwellings of the soul, but also to unite the people. How powerful a tool is this?
Then may you also be inspired to always do your best to create art that will encourage viewers to move deeper within themselves. It is within ourselves that we experience the world and ourselves. This is where the artist transcends to others and unite us all. Do not get so caught up with the outside world and its opinions and processes that you as an artist loose perspective of the magic that is happening within.
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What an interesting article. It generates much thought that relates our artistic efforts right back to ourselves and our own personal skills and talents. Great article. Bill M.
I think you might find the philosophers Hume, Locke and Berkeley interesting. They wrote about perception and reality and how you could or could not distinguish them. One of Berkeley’s questions was: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”