

Artwork by Theja Rhitso

I discovered my love for art at a very young age and has been drawing and sketching regularly since then. It has helped me to be more conscious and understanding of my surroundings.

Growing up in a very isolated region of Nagaland, India, I developed a close relation with nature. Most of my childhood days were spent playing and making animal figures with clay and drawing with anything that can leave a mark.

I also love making quick pen sketches of people around me whenever possible and I try my best to represent the subject matter truthfully.

I couldn’t study art due to financial constraints and unavailability of good schools in the area but it never stopped me from creating art.

Reading library books, YouTube videos and following several artists on social media has been a huge source of inspiration and has taken me to where I am today which is something I am always grateful about.

The impact on my artwork which has happened since finding the youtube channel has been huge. It has given me a direction of study and became the art teacher I never had.

It would be a dream come true to win the Drawing Academy course and learn from the best.

I am eager to dedicate my time and effort in creating what I enjoy doing and inspire others around me and I believe an opportunity to learn from the masters in the field will be a key event in my life and the biggest gift I could ever receive.

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