

Drawing by Kirilka Tzanova

I started painting in my 60s. One nightly family decided to go to a Paint Bar for fun and I was automatically hooked. The next day I went to a an art store and bought my first set of paint brushes. I also have two grandchildren who have a love for art just like me. Often we spend our time together finger painting, exploring colors, and getting messy.

Art gives me the freedom to step away from my life as a mother, wife, grandmother, co-worker and just be me. Through art I can create and erase, build and destroy, all of it on my own terms.

Drawing the human body and facial expressions

How to draw figures (humans and animals) and facial expressions.

I watched the free demo and I think that Drawing Academy is really good at setting the foundation for an artist through their courses. Their lessons are very informative, easy to follow, and learn.

I would like to improve my technique so that one day I would be able to pass on the knowledge and skills art has taught me to my grandchildren.

I am a great example that it doesn’t matter at what age you start drawing and painting. As long as you are passionate, eager to learn and improve, you can be great at it. I would like to carry that message to my followers and continue to inspire young and old that anything is possible.

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