I want to make art that brings joy to the world

I want to make art that brings joy to the world

Story and artwork from Wyjif

Hello, I am Wyjif. Well, that’s not my real name, but for convenience’s sake, that I what I want to be known as. I am an aspiring cartoonist, wannabe illustrator, and dreamer.

Art is something I want to dedicate my life to. Many times I’ve been moved to tears by things other people have created. Be it television shows, animation, books, music, or paintings. I have never felt more human than when being exposed to quality art. It is perhaps the most humane pursuit.

Creating a masterpiece necessitates not only aesthetic intelligence, but emotional intelligence a swell; A deep understanding of the human condition, and most of all, a love of your fellow man. As someone who from an early age has spent hours upon hours reading comics and watching cartoons, I have a particular fondness for the medium of drawing. I realized that I too, can harness this magic that has moved me, and in turn, use it to bring joy to others.

So I embarked on a quest in order to hopefully one day too make my own masterpieces. And I have found some success. I refined my observational drawing skills by exclusively drawing from photos and then later, drawing from life. For years, I drew everything that was in front of my eyes, but sadly for an aspiring cartoonist, I was lacking the most important skill. I could not draw from my imagination.

I was absolutely lacking fundamental constructive drawing techniques. Lucky for me I stumbled upon Drawing Academy, which promises to provide the foundational art skills which I have been lacking.

As this is a competition for an art course, I want to show that I have potential and that the prize wouldn’t be wasted on me. This is how far I was able to develop my skills through self study.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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