Drawing Academy News

Art Competition Winners – Spring 2018

Art Competition Winners – Spring 2018

Thank You!

Big thanks to all Drawing Academy Art Competition – Spring 2018 participants. We are also grateful to all supporters, who voted for the winners.

In nominating the winners, we considered how many votes winners have received from other people.

According to the Competition Rules, there are three full Drawing Academy Memberships to be awarded. However, we nominated not 3, but 4 winners!

And the Winners are:

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VIDEO – Drawing Academy Review by Mia Vujović

Drawing Academy Review by Mia Vujović

Story by by Mia Vujović

Ever since I remember, all I truly wanted to do is to draw.

In high school I went to two art workshops, and now I’m a first year student at Art Academy in Cetinje, Montenegro, studying painting. But I’m not really being taught the rules, it’s more based on expressing yourself.

I found out about http://DrawingAcademy.com on Youtube. I watched some of Academy’s free videos and it was like a goldmine, I got more information in 6 minutes here than I was collecting over 6 months elsewhere.

I find the Drawing Academy system of teaching the most efficient and I think it will teach me more than my art academy.

I think Drawing Academy can help me a lot in fulfilling my goal of becoming a better artist and making my mission come true.

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Art courses review by Jasmin

Art courses review by Jasmin

jasminI’ve been privileged to be a student of Vladimir London and Natalie Richy since 2012 and today I’d like to share my experience with you.

I believe that there’s a place for all of us out there and we need to learn the language of Art to communicate and let our voices be heard.

So here’s my story…

Since I was a little kid painting and drawing has been my love. From a very early age I attended various Art courses and workshops in my hometown and later on continued my education in a traditional Art college. Going to a contemporary art college was such a waste of time and money! I was never equipped with enough knowledge to start my own projects…

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Art Competition Winners – Autumn 2017

Art Competition Winners – Autumn 2017

Thank You!

Big thanks to all Drawing Academy Art Competition participants and voters!

In nominating the winners, we considered how many votes winners have received from other people.

And the Winners are: …

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