On 22 Oct, 2018 With
Artwork by PradKris
I’m an engineer by profession and art lover by heart. Art is something that has always fascinates me with it’s limitless possibilities of what is, what could be and what can never be. It’s a language of expression.
I want to learn drawing proper perspectives, composition and rendering correct tonal values to match the light/shadows.
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On 22 Oct, 2018 With
Painting by Swapnil Jagtap
My name is Swapnil Jagtap. I’m a 24-year-old and I live in India. I’m doing drawing and Paintings since I was 8 years old as a hobby and I think I’m now becoming good at it so I wanted to turn my hobby into my profession.
I cannot live without art. Let me rephrase. I could but I don’t want to. I feel it’s the only thing that makes me really happy but also it makes me feel stressed, nervous, every work is hard to do and that makes me feel alive. It’s a good stress.
Sometimes I hear people say to me when I told them I’m an artist, “oh, how lucky you are, I wish I could do that”. They don’t realize it’s also stressful and hard and requires a lot of patience and dedication, no, they just see it in an idealistic way. But as stressful as it can be, it’s the only thing that makes me feel good about myself and where I think I’m good at. Let’s explain that better. I’m EXTREMELY insecure about what I do. I never feel anything is good enough, but with art, I have learned that I’m good at this. Well, I don’t really believe it but I try to believe and sometimes I think I am good.
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On 16 Oct, 2018 With
Butterfly in Waiting
I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I was voted most artistic in high school and wanted to be a fashion illustrator, but life got in the way and I wasn’t able to go to art school as I had wished. I’ve taken classes and workshops here and there but could never devote much time to it as a single mother with most of the financial responsibility for my child. Now that I am retired, I feel this is my last chance to become an accomplished artist and draftsman. I need to build my skills again and it looks like the Drawing Academy courses would help me to do that. I feel like it’s now or never. I would love to have the opportunity to take these classes and develop my skills and fulfill my dream to be an excellent artist.
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On 16 Oct, 2018 With
Let’s get some shoes
I’m a college student working on my bachelors. This was my final for drawing 2. It’s a light analysis done with white charcoal on dark canson paper. I think art is rooted in our spirits. It’s our desire to create.
I’m always looking to improve. To be a better observer of life. The challenge is learning to see with your eyes and not your brain.
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On 16 Oct, 2018 With
I am an artist (specialized in graphite & charcoal), who is interested in precision and detail.
Art is like a meditation to me. When I am drawing, it helps me to forget everything and the mid will be cool and calm.
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On 13 Oct, 2018 With
Insidium mouse
I grew up the youngest of 3 my mother is parcially paralyzed I take care of her and drawing is my getaway I draw what I feel, see, or think of.
Drawing is a part of me its who I am and all I have that’s my own in my drawings I can be who and what I want to be.
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On 13 Oct, 2018 With
Visual Arts in Tanzania
My name is Fred Halla, an Artist and art Teacher for secondary school (IGCSE).
I started as a self taught and later on attended formal art education at the University of Dar es Salaam 2002 -2005.
I live and work as an art teacher who doesn’t have enough time to produce my personal artistic works rather than instructing. I would like to learn about Figure and Portrait Drawing as human body is a challenging subject/ object as it requires a lot of technical skills in which Drawing Academy is a right place for me.
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On 13 Oct, 2018 With
The Pope of Carmine Street
I have always been an artist but I never had time or money to take art classes. Instead I would spend a lot of time in the museums of New York City. There were periods when I would buy supplies and produce a drawing that had promise but second and third attempts at the same subject resulted in a terrible mess.
So I am hoping to develop a way of working that produces consistently satisfying drawings.
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On 13 Oct, 2018 With
The Ties That Bind
My name is Noelle and I am primarily a self taught artist.
The majority of my recent work is colored pencil.
This, for years, has been my outlet for relaxation, working through difficult situations, and sometimes, simply keeping my hands busy.
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On 13 Oct, 2018 With
Furry Friend
My name is Jasmine. I’m a visual artist. I love drawing and painting. I have always loved creating and expressing myself through art.
Art has played a huge part in my life, I remember when I was younger and in school art class was always my happy place and the place where I could be free to create anything I wanted without judgment, without rules, and in peace. I was bullied a lot at school but, in art class, the bullies didn’t exist and there wasn’t any judgment or harsh words, it was just me in my happy place creating what came to my mind freely. My entire family would buy me art supplies give me, pencils, crayons, paints, paint brushes, or sometimes even buy my art to encourage me to keep going for my dreams and to keep exploring my creative side. With my childhood friends, we bonded when we create art on the sidewalks with chalk or on canvas with paints and create stories for each of our drawings or paintings.
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