On 18 Jan, 2019 With
His creation
I am a wife, mother of 4 children that took up art after neglecting it for many years. I find art gives me the opportunity to get away from everyday life and its a place where I can just get perspective again. Art has taken on a very special place in my life currently. Since I just started I find that art in itself a challenge, meaning it is hard to start from scratch.
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On 18 Jan, 2019 With

My name is Ovidiu Iovanel, I am from Romania, Europe. I am an architect, but since 5 years I only do art (paintings and portraits). For me, painting is a lifestyle.
I want to get to paint in oil in photorealistic style. I am fascinated by the Trompe L’oeil style and international painters such as Michael Lassel.
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On 17 Jan, 2019 With

Help make these mediocre paintings come to life with a formal Drawing Academy Course
I am a 66 yo practicing physician recently diagnosed with a not so fun diagnosis. I have always enjoyed doodling and was guided by my architecturally trained mother on those intermittent occasions when we happened to be talking about drawing and architecture but no formal training.
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On 17 Jan, 2019 With

My name is Orlando Nah and I live in Camalote, a small village in the country of Belize. I can reflect to a day whilst in class, almost 45 years ago, our teacher asked the entire class to draw anything and write about it. I took one of the encyclopedia from our school library and as I flipped thru the pages, I saw a rat and decided to draw it. I drew the rat, colored it and wrote about it. This is a very fond memory of mine because it was on this day that I discovered I had a talent, I knew how to draw! My teacher and my class mates were amazed by the fine work that I did. This marked the beginning of my journey as an artist. Every opportunity I got I drew. I did drawings from magazines and comic books, basically anything I could get my hands on.
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On 17 Jan, 2019 With
I am sorry
This my one of incomplete and my best watercolor portrait (yeah it’s incomplete; I lost my promise).
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On 13 Jan, 2019 With
Drawing by Christopher Pam
Art is everything in my life I eat, breath, sleep art. I want to learn the essential and time honoured skills of the old masters to express myself freely.
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On 11 Jan, 2019 With
Life at its fullest
I am a senior with a gift from God – art.
Art, creativity and design is evidenced everywhere, just open you eyes. The challenge is how to imortalize it in an artwork. I strive to do this in every endevour whether it’s a pencil sketch , pastel or oil.
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On 11 Jan, 2019 With
Light from Heaven
My maternal grandma who died when I was a fetus was an artist. So was my paternal aunt who found her gift at my age now. She and a college friend told me I had talent I should develop. My career as a Nurse Practitioner and a Wife/Mom kept me too busy but my soul craved Art. I see and feel God when light reaches out on a person or through the trees or clouds. I want to share that feeling through art but have limited skills. I had the privilege of painting this scene recently with guidance from a talented artist but she retired from teaching and I need help. I have only used pencil and oil media and done 3 study still lifes and this one landscape.
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On 11 Jan, 2019 With

This was quite challenging!
I am a mother of 3 adult children and 2 adopted special needs boys. They can be quite a job if I don’t find an outlet for my emotions. I live in northern Minnesota, USA, and right now the winter is really starting to get to me, even though we still have a long way to go!
My passion is my art, and I do it as much as possible. Since my husband stayed home on disability (almost a year ago) and has now retired, I find it even harder to find “me time” to do my art. I love to do art everyday because it is so important to my well being. It is so important to me that I feel unsettled when I don’t find the time to at least do a little! The 2 special needs boys can become overwhelming really fast if I don’t find a way to get away from it all. And art is my get away!
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On 11 Jan, 2019 With
Péter Somlyai is my name.
I learned as a carpenter. Later I developed my skill in art societies. The art took important part in my job in my entire life. I needed to apply that everyday.
I’d like widening and deepening my my skills. I like the Classicist style but I’m especially interested in with Renaissance and Baroque.
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