Artwork by Nevaeh Dull

This is the story of both my life and art progression, as well as the place art not only has in my heart but in my everyday life. As a child I had experience with loss of a parent to a suicide, my father had art skill and his parents were planning on opening a tattoo shop for him, but sadly he had passed before his dreams could come true.
I really started doing art about a year or two ago but the improvement came surprisingly fast compared to my friends’ art progression.
Art is very important for me. I can actually express myself without having to worry about anything (except those body proportions). One of the things I really strive to learn and hopefully master in art is, all of the art mediums, and everything in the arts as well.
Drawing Academy is new to me and i’m not used to watching videos to help with proportions or painting techniques and such. If I do watch something on art in order to help improve skill its usually not as helpful to me. Drawing Academy is definitely new but I think it’s really worth a try!
I mostly want to win this drawing course because art teachers at my school usually don’t help as much and I can learn things without being graded or judged by other students. It’s on my own so I don’t feel pressured to do everything right. I really am just doing this competition for the fun of it, so I really don’t think people have to vote for me, but i’d be very happy if they did!
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