Artwork by Christine DeJuliis

Art Along The Way
Art has been a part of my life since childhood and the value I find in both creating and sharing art has grown immeasurably over the years.
Art is my passion and I can honestly say that it has not only enriched my life, but actually helped save it and give my life purpose and meaning. It is my heart-felt desire to not only improve my artistic ability, but to use that ability to be of service to others in need.
Drawing Academy provides not only an opportunity to learn and grow as an artist, but also provides a sense of community, which is important to me at this time in my life.
At 56 I am starting a new chapter of my story by seeking formal art education for the first time and it is my intention to take this learning as far as I can. Wherever this life journey takes me, I know there will be art along the way.
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