Artwork by Amelia Price Bauer

Artwork by Amelia Price Bauer

Humble, but

Hi, my name is Amy.

From an early age I have been drawn to Art. I remember being excited as a young girl going to the Guggenheim Museum in NYC. The images, the colors, the sculptures, and the Jackson Pollock type action paintings especially caught my attention. I took a few courses in all the public schools that I attended. And then a few at college. I have always my own thing since school. My challenges are working full-time in a non creative/art field, and then knowing how to help myself improve. I would love to learn more about Drawing. It is my favorite medium.

The Drawing Academy is an excellent school to learn from and the course is on-line, a definite plus for my time management. I would love to win the course so that I can have more focus, feedback, and guidance to improve my drawing and art skills. I hope people vote for me because of my excitement of and interest in the arts.

Also, I believe my humble potato picture is fun to look at.

Please vote for me, thanks for reading,

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Veedon Fleece says:

    I love Amy’s work. She paints furniture and I have an amazing piece in my veterinary clinic. It always get compliments on the vibrancy of color and design.

  2. Elizabeth Smiley says:

    I love Amy’s work, it doesn’t show from this humble potato drawing but her exuberant use of color and design is unique. Her work always brings a smile. She painted a rocking chair for my husband’s veterinary clinic and it is a notable piece for those wishing to take a load off. Clinics never fail to remark how beautiful the rocker is. We are currently showing some of her work in our lobby and waiting room, to help encourage and support local artistry.

  3. Laurel Bresnahan says:

    Best of luck on this endeavor. I have shared this on Facebook and Pinterest. Thank you for inviting me to enjoy your beautiful art!

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