Alex, when i last saw you

Alex, when i last saw you

Story and artwork from Wayne Sjolin

At 66 years of age, I am recently retired from a career as an airline pilot. I have always wanted to be an artist i created a comic strip at age 11, syndicated at 21. Im not a writer. Strip ended.

While travelling the world I have seen museums with works that left me in awe, I enjoy and want to pursue a classical art experience. My goal was to explore and expand on any skills I may have. I have never been formally trained.

An art college is unavailable and when I discovered the drawing academy I felt I have found what I was looking for, making classical training available to me.

The philosophy and style of the Drawing Academy reflect my vision of what I want to say.

I feel experience and correct training will put me in a place to allow what I want to say and how to say it. I believe we don’t know what we don’t know.

I find at the present I try portrait, landscape and even still life. Most important I feel is that art relates to a person.

Ever listen to a piece of music that moves you, goose bumps, or even toe tapping the urge to play it over and over is relating.

Visual art for me is seeing a piece and simply stopped in my tracks with a “wow”.

I have always dreamed about giving people that experience, traveling the world left me with the desire to do just that.

Travelling one direction as far as India, the other the orient, South America or Europe.

We are all the same essentially. We care for our families, we work, enjoy friends and I feel despite the apparent differences we want to enjoy life, enjoy our experiences.

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