A life

A life

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Artwork and story from Pretish Mondal

It is too difficult to speak about myself. It has an endless answer. In few words, I am 34 years old. I am doing graphic design for survive myself. And trying to make me as an artist.

From the childhood I covered by art. Without art I can’t live.

Yes, I have challenge myself; to break my previous stage and build a new one and in this way I want to go towords the front of art.

Very good question. Which I don’t know I want to learn those. As I believe I don’t know anything therefore I want to learn more and more (everything).

I don’t know much about ‘Drawing Academy’ how much teachers are actually present and where it has main center, how teaching poses goes, etc etc but one thing, Its very very low amount study price! How It’s possible! It has astonished me!

I think it is that place where we can get classical way. Today a lots of institution take computer oriented education – (like – graphic design, animation, game design etc). But this institution not like them.

I want to win this course, because I have no money to study here. Although it is highly low amount; despite I have no money.

Because I am mad for learn, only for that cause they may be vote me.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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