A Mother’s Love

A Mother’s Love

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Artwork and story from Kim Mordue

I have always loved art. when I was young I would go through my Dad’s Architectural Digest Magazines as well as his house plans over and over. I loved old buildings and could spend days in art museums looking at all the different ways in which people express the way they see the world around them. I, in particularly love the old Masters works and have a passion for history. I never knew how much I really loved art though until my daughter passed away and I wanted to paint an image of her that was consistently in my mind. I remember feeling very frustrated that I could not put on paper or get out of my head what needed to come out. I finally found a good teacher and started taking lessons and finally painted that image I saw of my daughter. That started me on a path of healing through creativity. I gained a passion for seeing the world in a new way. After so much sorrow and heartbreak I was able to recognize the beauty and meaning of life through the means and medium of art. Even though I have been taking art classes for many years now, I have missed out on some of the basic skills of art and drawing and feel like I need to relearn or at least learn how to draw better.
My desire as an aspiring artist is to be able to draw great realistic fine art portraits of my daughter as well as others and inspire others as I share what I’ve learned in recognizing the beauties in the world around me.

I feel Drawing Academy will be a great start for me. It seems like a well organized, highly educating course of which I would love to be apart.

I would love to win and join this academy so I can hone those skills that I desperately need and want in order to draw and paint well.

I would love to have people vote for my art to promote the artistic abilities of someone who desperately wants to become a better artist.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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