Will I be working one-on-one with an art instructor?

Question from Helene
I would like to enroll in the Drawing Academy as it seems just perfect for learning good drawing skills, and I have one question about your tutoring.
Will I be working one-on-one with an instructor?
Dear Helene,
Yes, as a Drawing Academy student you will have a personal support from Academy tutors. It includes artwork critiques, tailored advice on how to improve your art skills, and answering all art-related questions. This support is unlimited, provided for a lifetime, and comes at no extra charge. No art college or university would ever offer the same deal.
Our tutoring is provided online. Academy students can submit their questions and artworks for critique on the website or send them by email. Every question is answered by email within 24 hours.
Here’s what Tom Bolt, Drawing Academy student has recently mentioned in his email to us:
“I cannot express to you my deepest respect for what you are doing. I know it takes a lot of patience with students. How you are able to do this is unimaginable, even with live students facing you it is somewhat easier but still frustrating. Thank you for your kindness and your patience.”
Another student, Annette wrote us after reading my email with her artwork critique and instructions on how to improve:
“Vladimir, you don’t know what you have done for me. I just sat here and cried like a baby. You believe in me more the my own dad ever did. I Thank you for giving me the chance to do this, it is the love of my life. Your efforts won’t go undone. Your humble student Annette.”
Here’s another feedback from
Danielle on her artwork critique:
“Dear Vladimir,
you wrote “I hope this helps” – this is tremendous! To have this direct critique of something, and with the red lines pointing to the issues on the drawings, and your words telling me exactly what I need to do!
I know I am following the Drawing Academy course quite slowly, but my gains are huge thanks to your masterful understanding. I am smiling ear to ear! I will keep working!
Thank you!
We support Academy students even after graduation. As our student, you can apply for the Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after three months from enrollment and continue to rely on our personal help at any time for as long as you need it.
Best regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor
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Well Helene, I have to assume your question is answered. Just want to add that Vladimir replies to my every question with great attention.
I have researched a number of other on-line instructors. Some of these guys are good albeit the cost for their courses were prohibitive to me, some getting up into the thousands of dollars; a chancy proposition if it does not pan out.
I attended a four year accredited University for an Art Degree. When I graduated I could draw nor paint any better than the day I went in.
Good luck to you.
Being a Drawing Academy student, I would like to confirm how attentive academy tutors are – whenever I have a question or an artwork, which I don’t know how to improve, they always reply the same day with such in-depth explanations that it makes me feel very special. I’m really grateful to Vladimir London for his continuous support and help. Thank you!