The Lady

Artwork by Evita Norkute
I have been drawing ever since I can remember. Drawing have always been something I wanted and loved to do. Drawing provides me so much happiness while I am drawing and not less satisfaction when I am looking to my finished work. I started drawing with pencil, later with acrylic, but at the last i discovered, that the oil painting is something for me. I am really busy in my everyday, because I am studying hard and in my free time I play piano, read, write, draw and train karate, that’s why i mean online courses will be a great thing to me, because it wouldn’t take so much time, like the normal courses will.
I found this Drawing Academy while I was searching information about oil painting techniques and I mean the courses is a really great way to learn many different techniques.
Winning the Drawing Academy Course will mean really much to me and it will help me much to learn important techniques, what will of course help me to become an better artist.
I really want to learn more and winning this course will be really helpful for me. I am dreaming about becoming an great artist, and about discovering the very techniques the old masters were using. Thanks for everyone who voted!
Nice :)