
The Creation of Adam

The Creation of Adam

Artwork by Rowena Tam

The Creation of Adam (Italian: Creazione di Adamo) is a fresco painting by Italian artist Michelangelo, which forms part of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, painted c. 1508–1552 (60″ x 28″)

Art has given my life new meaning. Since suffering the loss of my husband, I turned to art for comfort and it has since been an anchor for my health and wellbeing. Initially, art has been a challenge; given the numerous forms available and not to mention the patience needed to create something that not only satisfies the eye but also the soul. Art has taught me to be mindful, supportive and resilient – not only to other’s but to myself.

It has been a long journey to paint such a wonderful piece as this and I am incredibly proud of all the efforts. It’s a testament not only to the effort and time but also the endless support which my sons have provided to help me thrive with painting.

I believe the message underlying the painting’s journey may prove beneficial towards artists, both new and old, in finding purpose and peace with one’s self.

Thank you, Drawing Academy, for teaching me the necessary skills to accomplish this.

Categorized: Students Gallery

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