
Story and artwork from Nouhaila

Story and artwork from Nouhaila

Story and artwork from Nouhaila

Since my early childhood, I have been mesmerised by colors, patterns, shapes. In my solitude I found refugee in coloring or painting abstract shapes.

Growing up, I have been in and out of drawing. Recently, I had the time to experience it again. I am a self thought amateur. I have learned the art of realism from the fruitful videos of Drawing Academy, that thought me a great deal about techniques that the great masters have used throughout the years. Art for me now have become a necessity.

Art is a sort of therapy that saved me and gave me meaning, and I would love to get the opportunity to carry on making more creative art to express feelings and unspoken words in pencil and brush strokes in the shapes of the ideas.

To do so I really hope I would win this competition so I can have the chance to reach the goal that I’ve always been dreaming of and make meaning out of this only chance of being alive as well as to make the most out it!

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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