Sleeping Princess Dreams

Sleeping Princess Dreams

Artwork and story from Susi Franco

My name is Susi Franco. I believe Art is a Survival Tool. It has carried me through several serious crises.

The first was in 2001, when I suffered a severe spinal injury; had to use a walker; just getting out of my apartment was an Olympic event. I was deeply depressed, couldn’t work & was in constant pain.My friend sent me a box of student grade Art supplies to distract me. I was not an Artist then, but a disabled RN feeling I had lost all purpose in life. I opened the box and to my great surprise, two hours later playing with watercolor, I realized the pain had receded into the background. I wept from relief —and kept painting. After a few years I worked my way into something of a second career, being entirely self-taught. I bought a farm and settled happily into Farm Life with my critters, enjoying family visits and my Grandchildren coming to hang out with me. I continued learning, teaching myself as much as I could manage, always hungry for new techniques and materials.

In 2016 I had a small stroke, which set me back quite a bit in my Art practice. The rehab from that helped me to “come back” and resume painting.

In 2018 I learned I had Breast Cancer. I was determined to survive it, to fight however it was possible to, but of course I was scared. Being a retired RN, I well know the toll Breast Cancer takes on women. Thankfully, I did survive (thus far!) and although some issues from meds have a long-lasting negative effect, still…I am painting again. Unfortunately I suffered surgical-induced nerve damage in my right arm/hand, my painting arm, and still find it challenging to hold onto my brushes. In 2022 I began doing Furniture Art using large brushes for that purpose, and although I still drop them, it’s been excellent “rehab” for my right arm & hand. The Portrait I’ve attached is of one of my eleven Grandchildren, whom I adore & paint often. I wish I could show you the reference photos but I realize that’d be confusing. :) Doing the furniture with large brushes has enabled me to resume painting again, for which I am deeply humbled & grateful. I have to stop often to allow hand cramps etc to subside, BUT I can paint!

Your Drawing Tablet would be such a wonderful asset to me, would give me another avenue in which to create. It is my hope my work will be warmly received.

Thank you for this opportunity & for your consideration.

Susi Franco

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Carole says:

    I love Susie’s work! Everything from her backing to her crafts to her paintings. Her warm heart shines in all she touches. She’s a surprising delight

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