Reshaping history

Story and artwork from Ganesan Srinivasan

Art has been my passion since I was young, but could not pursue seriously as life pulled me in different directions. I recently retired and decided to rekindle my passion in art. I never had any formal training, and initially looked at several online resources and started sketching still life and portraits. While I could copy from photos reasonably well, I really wanted to master various techniques the right way.

I always asked myself the following questions.
– could I draw something from imagination?
– do I know the right proportions?
– can I draw a face from various angles?
– can I make a figure laugh, or cry, or look angry?
– how do I make figures ‘pop out’ of a page and look realistic?

Our family has lost quite a few ancestors at a young age, robbing current generation of their affection and wisdom. I wanted to dig out any old and often faded photos of our ancestors and recreate the family tree through vivid, realistic artwork. The current generation still wishes that our ancestors were still alive to give them an affectionate hug. I’m hoping that I can create realistic artwork that at least simulates an affectionate hug from our ancestors and give our current generations some joy and comfort. The Anatomy Master Class has been very helpful in pointing me in the right direction, and I hope to master the techniques well enough to create some magic

I’m hoping that the Drawing Academy course will fine tune my techniques so that I can draw more effortlessly and with greater confidence.

My submission to the Art Competition is of Michelangelo’s David, based on a picture that appears in the handbook.

Reshaping history

I hope that in a few years, with the help of Drawing Academy courses, I will approach the perfection of the old masters. I hope you like my first attempt at a full figure drawing.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. poonambammi says:

    Very fine and neat detailing. I am impressed. All the best for your future in the field of Art.

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