Projecting my Imagination

Projecting my Imagination

Story and artwork from Lori

Hey there!

I am currently fourteen years old who has been using various videos and books on the internet to teach myself how to draw for almost two years. Watching those futuristic cyber-movies and CGI films when I was younger drove me to become an artist, and seeing the ideas of so many people be put into just one film while making such an impact on others made me want to do it too!

Art is something I have done for a long time, but I never really dedicated myself to it until mid-2018, when I watched someone whom I looked up to draw a masterpiece based on just a few words! It was the final push to finally make me start!

I do have a lot of struggles when it comes to learning art. Things like varying methods from different artists which made me a bit confused, and countless trials and errors of using plenty of styles, but couldn’t find something that worked. That is, until I came across Drawing Academy. Their content and teaching styles prove that anyone can benefit from their lessons!

I entered this competition because I want to learn as much as I can. I want to learn perspective, anatomy, technique – everything that could aid an artist into becoming an amazing one. I still have a long way to go, and winning this Drawing Academy course would be a great place to start! I want to relay my story and my imagination in the best way possible.

Art is a vessel for emotions; for endless ideas and messages. Art is something that I want to master and use to express my feelings and imagination all in one. I want to convey all of my thoughts (no matter how crazy it could be) and share it with the world. I want to show a perspective that no one has seen before. I’d like to make my visualizations one step closer to reality.

Thank you readers for taking the time to read this. If you think I deserve a chance, a vote would be greatly appreciated. Have a nice day!

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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