Portrait of V. Smukrovich After Nikolai Blohkin

Portrait of V. Smukrovich After Nikolai Blohkin

Artwork by Dan S., Drawing Academy student

I thought this would be a very interesting and challenging drawing to copy and it was. My drawing is in pure graphite while the original is (I think) in sanguine and perhaps charcoal.

Portrait of V. Smukrovich After Nikolai Blohkin

I learned so very much from this drawing. I am starting to really see all of my imperfections in gesture and tonal rendering, but at the same time I see the corrections that can be made. I am making slow progress but feel that making these copies of masters (in this case a contemporary master) is a vast learning experience.

I really love portrait drawing best of all and as imperfect as they are, it is still interesting and educational.

Warm Regards,
Dan S.

Categorized: Students Gallery

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