My First Attempts

Drawing and questions by Suresh, Drawing Academy student
Hello Vladimir and Natalie,
I have recently subscribed to your excellent course and I have learnt a great deal so far.
Ever since I was young I did some form of drawing/sketching, and it was all self-taught. The last time I did any drawing was about 37 years ago!
Recently, for some reason, my interest in art was re-awakened and your website “lit my motivational fire,” so to speak. As the saying goes, “when the student is ready the teacher will arrive;” and here you are, to whom I have gladly subscribed!
Judging by the comments of other students on the Drawing Academy site, I do not have that much time to practice my drawing skills; I manage about 4 to 6 hours in a week.
However, I have followed your initial month one video and I have tried to “copy” you. Attached are my results.
I shall be grateful for your comments on my attempts, and your guidance in improving my skill will be greatly appreciated.
Please note that I have used an HB sketching pencil and ordinary 80gm photocopy paper.
Question: should one use a ruler to mark straight lines? I am aware that my freehand lines are not straight.
I am looking forward to your comments.
Your humble student,
Dear Suresh,
Many thanks for your still-life drawing.
I like this artwork. Well done!
It is very good that you are practicing drawing geometric figures; this will help you later on when you do organic objects, portraits, and figures.
I also like that you follow the principles of constructive drawing, making sure to use linear perspective.
You are absolutely right not to use a ruler.
Draw freehand, even though your lines might be not so straight. Your goal is to become a proficient artist who can draw without a ruler ; ) With time and practice, your lines will get better.
In regard to paper, you may buy drawing paper that is heavier than 80gsm. Also, use a larger paper size – A2, for example.
Kind regards,
P.S. I understand that you don’t have many hours per week to practice drawing. Please take your time and go at your own pace. Your membership is for a lifetime ; )
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