Modern Classical Art

Modern Classical Art

Story and artwork from Justyna Grajner

I am an Art student, aged 18 and I was passionate about art since I can remember. My interest for it was growing constantly over the years and brought me to the point where I can tell that I became a more mature artist, I am also able to see the progress I am making. I believe this is due to the education I receive at school, but also thanks to the work I am putting into this in my free time, using the resources like the Drawing Academy. Thanks to their free materials available for all ambitious artists seeking to enhance their skills, I was able to improve my anatomy drawing skills.

My fascination for art is something that helps me escape from everyday life and the problems we all have to face, as the human-beings. Perfecting my skills in this field will make the process of creating even more satisfying. I hope to be able to produce works that will be bringing some joy to other people’s lives, as they are bringing to mine.

This work is the effect of my artistic journey that started in my early childhood and continues onto this day. There are still many things that I need to work on that include measuring the proportions, understanding the use of chiaroscuro and many more. I would also like to expand my knowledge of using different mediums, and I strongly believe that the Drawing Academy programme will help me with achieving this.

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