Lines to Dots

Lines to Dots

From H. Ashley

Lines to Dots

I’m not quite sure what to do with my life but I’m pretty certain drawing will be apart of it.

Education isn’t my cup of tea being a high school drop out and still trying to get my GED. Drawing is a maze for me. One path lends to accomplishment but I find myself wanting more, a harder challenge, in which that path lends me to frustration and disappointment which cuts me off and not wanting to draw any more. But when I sit and stare at that wall I think maybe some things aren’t meant to be…maybe drawing isn’t what I was meant to do…just maybe. But how come I was able to teach myself how to draw, why is it that I have pictures in my head that were meant to be shown to strangers for they can have purpose to draw. It has to be some thing.

Maybe that wall isn’t there to stop me, its there to realize that sometimes I have to accept failures. I’m not sure how far I will be able to travel through this maze but I’m not going to sit and dream of how far I could’ve gone. Failures are apart of life but they make you see things different like connecting dots to line, lines to dots.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. srvanhandel says:

    I love this…. the colors are fresh, clean and crisp. It isn’t overdone it’s lovely in it’s simplicity.

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