Just a dreamer

Just a dreamer

Artwork and story by Antonius Chaels

Hi, my name is Anton. I dream to become an artist since I was kid and has been a self taught artist since then. I think art is important because its the legacy that contain your style. Thats why it should be good and the only way to achieve it is from the experienced artist.

I’ve been struggling to master art fundamental since I was kid. However, I don’t want to give up and dreamed to become a professional artist. I like sketching with charcoal and make a sketchbook

I was very excited when I found Drawing Academy because it could help me reach my dream beside. I think art is meaningful because its the embodiment of style over substance. If it looks good and people like it then it is good. Thats why its important to master the right fundamental.

I’ve been drawing on and off since I was in high school. However, I’m just now getting serious with it and dreamed become a professional painter in my country. I am used to using traditional tools like sketchbook, pencils/pens and acrylic paints.

I was very surprised when I found Drawing Academy and see many student with good artwork. I believe drawing academy could help me reach my dream besides improving my portfolio since its been taught by a master draftsmen

Please vote for me and help me to become a better artist and improve my style too.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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