In Search of a New
Artwork by Vanessa Brioso
I’m a 21 year old Portuguese girl who loves a lot of things, one of them being art.
I started drawing more seriously a few years ago, wanting to become better and create something that I could impress my own self with. I decided for a whole year draw something everyday, my skills improved but only in making portraits, when it came to draw from imagination it was always hard. That’s why I’m always in search of new tips, new tutorials that so many great artists post online, their own journeys and how they improved. YouTube is a huge friend in this department.
I always appreciated great creations from artists, I see them as some sort of genius to create something never seen before and that sometimes become a mark. I’m specially a lover for gaming and movie animation art, I love to see the process in creating something.
With that ambition I desire to learn more and make my own journey reaching my goals as an aspiring artist.
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