I want to learn drawing

I want to learn drawing

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Artwork and story from Habila, Amanum Jeremiah

My name is Habila, Amanum Jeremiah, and I am an artist from Nigeria. I’ve been attracted by artworks since I was a child, and I began drawing them myself. I grew up around artists because my older brother studied fine arts, and I would often visit him when he was doing art with his students. As I grew older, I began to envision myself as a full-time studio artist and attended Nsukka Art School in Nigeria to learn and become a visual artist. When I graduated in 2022, I came across Russian painters and instantly saw how different and technically proficient these art students from Russian art institutions were.

I listened to many lectures and interviews with Russian art teachers, particularly Alexander Ryzhkin, who discussed the ideologies of various art schools, including the Imperial Academy of Arts, and I was captivated. I started exploring for art lessons that would help me improve my figure drawings, composition, and rendering skills before discovering the Drawing Academy course. I read through the course overview and all of the lessons, and it is truly a library of knowledge that I have been missing my entire life. Because I cannot afford to purchase it, I have decided to compete with other artists from around the world for the chance to win this course. I hope my submission gets accepted and voted on as well.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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