I am interested in drawing

I am interested in drawing

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Artwork and story from José Fabio Esquivel

Hello my name is José Fabio Esquivel, from Costa Rica, I am an artist who started somewhat late in life to study art, but it has become my main daily activity and a source of great fulfillment. I am interested in drawing in all its variants, and I feel the desire to absorb as much knowledge as possible because the expressiveness that can be achieved with black and white has no limits, and each new tool and technique shows you new variations. My favorite drawings now are still life and landscape, but I also did quite a lot of portraiture.

Drawing Academy is a school that has my respect because it teaches Russian academic drawing, which to my mind is the most technically refined tradition of realistic drawing that exists. The curriculum of the Drawing Course on the other hand does not skip any important aspect and the personal support it offers puts it in a separate place, comparable only to face-to-face schools.

I invite people to give me their vote, we all have a dream in life, something important that we want to achieve to leave our mark in the world and, why not, make it our profession. But it is not easy, and sometimes it is a lonely road, we often doubt and feel that it is impossible, but we persevere, and we are grateful for any hand that someone can give us. Getting the drawing course will give me access to new knowledge but most of all personal support, and the perspective of a teacher critiquing your work.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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