How to make a drawing epic and appealing?

Question from Jasem
I’m a young, eager male, seeking knowledge of art to become a good artist, I’m a perfectionist. So I have a motto in my life – Do it right or don’t do it.
Here’s my question:
“How to make a drawing epic and appealing?”
Dear Jasem,
Great quality of drawing is a product of mastery, which is a result of extensive and obsessive practice and learning.
There’s only one way to achieve “epic” and “appealing” results – to learn fundamental principles of classical drawing and put them into practice.
Your question is linked to your motto: “Do it right or don’t do it.” Unfortunately, this is the sure way to get stuck and depressed, and to sabotage your goals.
No one is perfect, and no one has drawing skills from birth. Mastery in art is not an inborn talent but a nurtured skill.
It takes about 10,000 hours to achieve a high level of mastery. No one can produce “perfect” drawings without the necessary knowledge and practice. So, adopting a strategy of not doing something because you can’t do it “right” leads to a dead end.
Even one of the greatest artists who ever lived, Michelangelo Buonarroti, once said, “I’m still learning.”
Art is a culture; as such, it is not inborn but has to be learned by every new generation in order to survive.
If you want to achieve great results in your life, give yourself “license to fail.” It is not possible to do great art without making mistakes. No master could do an “epic and appealing” work of art without going through the trials and errors of a learning curve.
So, fail fast, learn from mistakes, and keep moving, no matter what. With enough persistence, knowledge, and practice, you will achieve the results you want.
Best regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor
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Good advice. I was shocked, when I started learning to draw several years ago, to realize how much is skill acquisition rather than natural talent or ability. I also had a belief that if I didn’t do something well immediately then I had no talent for it .. I’m glad I decided to take on the deeper study of drawing and skill acquisition , only sorry I waited until I am nearly 60 to do it! Don’t let fear stop you!!