How to learn to see differently?

Question from Laurie
Hi, Drawing Academy team.
I am a completely self taught artist and paint with pastels and oils. My drawing skills are poor; I use photographs, so my lack of drawing skills doesn’t keep me from proceeding. But, I’d really like to improve in that area.
I have a question:
How to learn to see differently?
Thank you,
Dear Laurie,
Many thanks for your question.
You don’t see what you don’t know. To “see differently” you must fill your knowledge gaps in drawing.
For example, if you want to draw a human figure but have no idea about the difference between pronation and supination of an arm, you would not see the correct contours and outlines that the bones and muscles form in different arm positions, both in life and in a photograph. Needless to say, there would be no chance of drawing an arm correctly and believably from memory or imagination.
This applies not only to anatomy but to every aspect of drawing. For example, a principle of aerial perspective must be applied to drawing not only landscape artwork, in which aerial perspective is noticeable, but also objects in close proximity that have shallow depths, like a still life, for example. This effect of an aerial perspective is not present on photos, nor would you see it in life when objects are close to a viewer. However, an artist must draw with the full knowledge of this principle to make a piece of art lifelike.
How an artist would do this if one has no knowledge of this concept?
You also mentioned:
“What I am not convinced of is the value of courses that I can get on Craftsy for less, plus free on YouTube.”
It looks like you think that Drawing Academy is a selection of video lessons that can be compared to YouTube or any online drawing course.
Above all, as a Drawing Academy student, you can rely on our personal support, which includes your artworks critique and advice on how to improve your drawing skills. This support comes at no extra cost and is available for a lifetime. Can you name any other online course or art college where you can get the same service for as long as you need?
To learn professional drawing techniques, you can enroll in the Drawing Academy course.
To your creative success,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor
To learn human anatomy fast, visit the Anatomy Master Class »
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Laurie, I am 74 and enrolled with the Drawing Academy and the Anatomy Master Class. I assure you Mr. London has met his personal commitment with me. There are exercises will be given to you to perform that have direct bearing on developing your skills. I would like to encourage you to take a leap of faith and do this. You will clearly not regret it, I am convinced.
One should enroll in this academy blindly, it is such a wonderful platform to learn basics of drawing . I have seen a plathora of art videos since 5 years, but they are futile , they only encourage you to acknowledge realistic artworks but do not tell you the actual trick to draw like a pro . So, it is never so late to start drawing . Go for it
Know that this course is labor intensive albeit you will be the one to determine the push, how much you do, how many drawings of a subject you make. This is nothing like a University course wherein the instructors may take a position of indifference and at the end of the semester you will be evaluated rather subjectively.
Im just like you, self taught from the many art classes I took in school, YouTube, endless book etc I too paint in acrylics. I believe the better I draw the better I paint, the better artist I am
I learned how to copy but not how to be an artist. Evey course video is reteaching how to draw correctly
The Drawing Academy is unlike any other class, book or youtube art instructions
And they do everything they say
If you truly want to improve you skills and be the artist you want to be, this course is a steal!
Good luck in your endeavers
A satisfied student
To Laurie and all who have gotten this far reading these replies, I thought I knew how to draw and I did but I drew the outline of the subject or copied photos. I could draw realistic subjects but I always knew there was something missing. I just joined in the Drawing Academy and I am being taught what I did not know and what can and will help me to be a better artist. I am so very satisfied that I am here being thought the correct way to draw and my first drawing proves it.