How to draw portraits without photos?

Question from Daniele Casini
“How can you learn drawing portraits without photos?”
Illustrations by Vladimir London
Hi Daniele,
Your question suggests that the only way for you to draw portraits proficiently is to copy.
Here’s the question you have to ask yourself: What is your goal in art? To be able to draw whatever you see, think, or imagine? Or be a “human photocopier?”
When you talk, do you always say what has already been written by someone else? Or do you actually say what you think, using your own words?
Why do you think it is any different in drawing? Copying photos is like repeating only what has been said by someone.
Learning how to draw portraits without photos requires three things:
- Stop copying photos
- Learn the fundamental drawing principles, and the human head anatomy and proportions
- Use this knowledge to make your own original artworks, drawing from life, memory or imagination
In the Drawing Academy, you can learn fundamental drawing principles.
A human head anatomy and proportions info is explained in the Anatomy Master Class »
Also, in my book, How to Draw a Portrait you can find out the step-by-step process of drawing portraits in the three-quarters view.
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That was a most beautiful analogy. Where Master London comes up with his analogy is an act of creation itself. Embarrassing to a point. Clean, precise and to the point. You cannot get any more beautiful than that. Thank you for y our genius.