Gul Art

Gul Art

Artwork by Gultakin

Artwork by Gultakin

I am a 3rd year student at the Economic University and my specialty is Management. In spite I loved painting and drawing, my parent didn’t let me enter the Art Academy for studying what I love therefore I learn it on my own and I am 19 now and still learning… I have started to draw and paint since I was 3 years old. I had dreams about being a master in painting as Rembrandt who is my favorite artist. I still hope that I will be a professional artist one day and that day I will really be proud of myself…

I think the Drawing Academy is the best course as it provides professional lessons.

As I am a self-learner, I need to take some professional lessons. I am happy that there is a chance to get it online.

If you like my work, please vote for me.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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