Grand Kida are Great

Grand Kida are Great

Artwork by Leonard, Drawing Academy student

My Story started back in 1976. I took art in Junior High and High School. I learned the basics and that was about it. I continued to draw until about 1981/1982 when i was in the Military. I served 21 years and retired in 2000.

In early 2014 I felt this longing to draw again so I went a bought an art pad and some pencils and started to draw and realized that I really sucked at it. I almost gave up.

My loving wife if 30 years told me to keep at it and I would get better. I searched the web for drawing lessons. I found many that were for computer aided drawings. So I found videos on YouTube I watched and applied what I was learning. Then I came crossed the Drawing Academy and thought I would give it a try.

Well here it is almost 3 months and this is what I have achieved so fare. and I am sure that if I keep applying the fundamentals that are taught here I will become a fine artist. My wife and kids tell me that I should and need to keep going.

Artwork by Leonard, Drawing Academy student

Categorized: Students Gallery

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Johann Krammer says:

    Dear Leonard,

    I like your painting really!
    You have captured the girls nice smiling beautifully!

    Kind regards

  2. William Munsey says:

    Wonderful rendering of a real smile and beautiful smiling eyes…Love it.
    Congratulations on military career. Don’t ever give up on your NEW career as
    an artist. Bravo!!!

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