Getting physical copy of the expressions in mind

Getting physical copy of the expressions in mind

Story and artwork from Pawan Shrestha

Namaste, I’m from Nepal. I spent my childhood in SOS Hermann Gmeiner School, where I got exposed to various art & craft activities, and involved myself in art competitions. I’ve joined recently and I’m a mechanical engineering student now. Looking back to that days, now I think those were the only things that I engaged mostly in.

The first time in my childhood, when I pushed myself to improve in drawing was the time I saw my Dad’s drawings from a notebook. I was deciphering how line was used to illustrate a dog. It was really good drawing. Soon I drew several of those dogs, then birds, and I realized them being better. It had been long time since I hadn’t pushed myself. But I was drawing with joy every time I get chance to. It has been few months I have been finding, reading books on anatomy, paintings(Richard schimd, Charles reids, Michael reardon) about colors in (, and searching alot on youtube. But I wish I could get guidance, a road to walk instead of jungle.

I found a smooth road the Drawing Academy but It is not quite common/possible for us to make online transactions, and here we have never made online transactions.

Several times when I go outdoors, I’ve noticed myself being unable to capture the things I loved. Even after editing, I couldn’t get what I felt. Maybe it’s problem with poor camera or my skill. If I have to get a good camera and improve skill and editing, why not improve drawing and painting, the instantaneous natural editing medium, and the upgrade will be stored in my hands and mind, not a camera(not a part of me). Also I wanted to put down on paper the actions, and emotions of people with their face and body.

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