First Statue Drawings

First Statue Drawings

Artworks by Mary Townsend, Drawing Academy student

After looking at the Drawing Academy course videos on drawing the Belvedere Torso I enthusiastically set to work on my own sketches of an Apollo bust and Venus statue.

First Statue Drawings

First Statue Drawings

In the past I have drawn quite small – A4 size or thereabouts. A3 at the largest but I wanted to push myself to draw bigger.

My version of the Belvedere Torso is over A2 but I had to have two attempts as the first was completely out of proportion and I couldn’t work out where I’d gone wrong.

First Statue Drawings

In frustration, I stepped out of the room for a moment and when I returned I could see from the doorway that I had made a miscalculation that had elongated the lower chest and stomach area.

In future I will stand further away when checking the progress of large drawings.

Mary Townsend

Categorized: Students Gallery

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