Dream big!

Dream big

Story and artwork from Scott Watson

I have only recently discovered drawing and instantly fell in love. My life revolves around children and work and I have found deep solace sitting in front of the easel each night and putting in the reps.

Once I discover a love I become fully immersed and dedicated to the craft. Much like my wife, career and powerlifting career which I still continue to grow. I am a student of life and always strive to learn. I feel drawing is so much more than just creating an image. It develops discipline, calmness, grit and allows the mind to shut out all the chatter. That’s why I love art so much. In my journey that is only just beginning I struggle to develop a learning pathway or curriculum that can allow me to grow.

There is so much to learn and I have no idea where to start. I have a passion for the human figure top to toe and always have. The body is a miraculous achievement of evolution and I wish to honour it through art and learn how to do that best.

Drawing Academy has already taught me so much and it really highlights the reality of drawing and what is achievable through hard work and years of training. The video quality is superb and the instructions are fantastic. I have spent many nights just watching the channel and dreaming of becoming that proficient one day.

I want to win because I believe I have a true passion and work ethic and when combined with your training excellence, experience and love for the process I believe I can become what I dream to be, a fine artist! Finally people should vote for me because they will be contributing to a persons dream. Thank you for your time and best of luck to all that enter. I have seen some amazing work in previous years!

Warm regards

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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