Drawing in Silverpoint

Drawing in Silverpoint

Artwork by Carl, Drawing Academy student

I was inspired by the Victor Koulbak art article.

Here is my latest entry of a Pietro Annigoni painting, “Modella en Posa.” I hope you like it.

Some tips. Lay the ground with many coats so you can scratch off the silverpoint like an eraser without cutting into paper. Use old silver spoons, jewelry, earrings. Better silver than store bought stylus. You can layout drawing in charcoal or pencil and highlight in white chalk. Masters did it in charcoal before laying down the silverpoint.

Here the drawing is on a blue tinted ground and I used the picture like a model imitating drawing from life. I hope you like it. Thanks to the Drawing Academy for the instruction and inspiration.

Artwork by Carl, Drawing Academy student

Try silverpoint, you will like it.

Categorized: Students Gallery

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