Drawing by Alessia Podgorica

My name is Alessia Podgorica. I am eighteen years old and I live in Albania. I love painting and drawing as my father, who used to be an artist at my age. He told me I have a talent, so I decided to study in the high school of arts Jordan Misja in Tirana. I took part in the school’s competition an was accepted.
Today, I am a student in my third year of high school, still learning and trying to improve my skills in drawing and painting. I want to become a professional artist when I grow older, I think this what I can do better than everything else. Unfortunately we only have a few models in our school, so we rarely practice portrait painting; for that reason I feel forced to copy the masters’ drawings and paintings that I prefer the most.
I want to learn and draw every time and everywhere, so I subscribed to Drawing Academy website, which I think is a very professional drawing course. It has helped me a lot in learning the anatomy for artists, which is necessary for me as an artist, I am very grateful to the teachers.
I want to win this competition because I believe in myself and think I am a skillful artist. If I don’t win, I will try it again. If anyone votes for me, I promise I will work harder and create beautiful works. Good luck to the all participants.
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