Drawing Academy lifetime membership and personal tutoring

Questions from Angelos T. Zois
Hello, my name is Angelos. I am interested to enroll in the Drawing Academy Course with the three monthly installments, but I have the following questions.
1. I have a day job (full time), and I would like to know if I can complete the course, even if it takes me more than three months.
2. As I understand it “Lifetime membership. Free after the 3rd month” means that I can review the lessons as often as I need to complete them.
3. “Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors” – does it mean that I will have it until I finish the course, even if it takes me more than three months?
4. With the completion of the course, will I get my diploma even if it takes me more than three months to finish it?
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Angelos T. Zois.
Hi Angelos,
Many thanks for your questions.
As a Drawing Academy student, you will have a lifetime membership and can watch video lessons as many times as you want, when you want, on any internet connected device.
A personal support, which includes artworks critique, is also provided for a lifetime. It is unlimited and comes at no extra cost.
If you need more than our support, we can provide personal one-to-one tutoring that will be tailored to your level of skills and needs. Such personal tutoring is available at Life Drawing Academy »
When you are ready to complete the course, there are no exams, but we would like to hear your feedback and see your improvement. You can apply for Academy Diploma at any time after first three months.
I will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor
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- Incredible discount – $4,164
- Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
- Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
- Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
- Lifetime membership. Free after the 3rd month
- Immediate access to all 45 video lessons
- Incredible discount – $4,198
- Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
- Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
- Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
- Lifetime membership. No more payments
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