Comment on the Drawing Academy program

Feedback from John, Drawing Academy student
I only started a few weeks ago; less than a week for the drawing course, and you are blowing my mind.
I have spent thousands of dollars trying to learn how to paint and draw. I have taken both live and online classes, sometimes traveling thousands of miles.
I have NEVER had ANYONE teach the things I am discovering in this program. Everything I’ve ever done was painting from photographs…pretty much COPYING photographs (or Bargue plates).
In EVERY case, I quit the programs because I thought, what’s the point?
I saw one of your drawing videos and had to sign up, but then as I started watching the videos, I said, “Where the hell are the photographs?”
It wasn’t until watching the video on drawing geometric shapes that it finally dawned on me. (I’m not the brightest candle on the birthday cake.)
You teach a drawing process. And it’s all built around perspective…there is NO NEED for photographs. DOH!
Then I watched the video on YouTube on painting (in Watercolor) a Venetian scene…finishing up with pen and ink!!! HOLY GUACAMOLE…OF COURSE, that’s how you finish it.
I can see so clearly now the errors in ALL the other programs I took…and I mean ALL of them.
I wish I had paid more attention when I first saw your course ads.
I will watch all the videos and dive into the drawing course. (I’ve always loved drawing since I was a kid.)
Kudos to you and your “team” for creating this course. It is truly one of a kind.
Thanks again,
John Orban
Easton, MD USA
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