Castello Visconteo – Artwork by Drawing Academy student

Artwork and question from Loreto, Drawing Academy student
I think that something is not right in this artwork. Can you tell me how can I improve it?
Thank you
Dear Loreto,
Thank you for your wonderful artwork; I like it very much!
The biggest improvement you can make is to apply constructive drawing principles.
For example, you depicted ovals of the round tower as if they have sharp corners. Ovals are circles in perspective. Circles do not have corners, neither do ovals.
Also, you need to decide where the horizon level is. In your artwork, different elements of architecture point to different levels; although there should be only one horizon.
These constructive mistakes do not spoil the appearance of your artwork; it has beautiful colors and interesting composition. Great job!
I wish you all creative success you deserve.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
Art tutor
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Grazie mille gentilissimo Vladimir quello che mi hai detto è ciò che speravo, con i tuoi consigli preziosi vedrò di fare qualcosa di migliore. Ancora grazie. Loreta