Artworks by Zachary Hill

Art? I Can…
My name is Zachary Hill and I am from Porterville, CA. I am 37 and have been drawing for about six months, during which time I have been collecting supplies to start oil painting.
Art is an extremely important piece of my life as it replaces what would surely be a sizable Xanax prescription. I started drawing because I got tired of saying “I can’t” when the subject of art came up, and have been told I missed my calling to art due to my age. However, I believe I found it.
My challenges, when it comes to oils, are extensive. From mixing the paints with mediums, to terminology, are all problems. I don’t understand glazing or how to make my colors more opaque, and I lack a good understanding of how the colors relate to one another as I have no background in art, and can not afford supplies much less classes.
My goal is to learn all the techniques and basics so that I can see what I am capable of producing. I want to have the tools I need to experiment on my own with color and technique, and once I have them, I know I will be successful. I can do anything, but I lack the knowledge to do so. Winning the course could give me these tools.
I really can’t say that I should be put before or behind anyone, its not in my nature and would honestly defer to someone who may need it more than I. But I can say it would help me advance a great deal, and I thank you for your consideration.
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