Artworks by Gina Lowings

My art obsession
My name is Gina, born in South Africa. My mother was very artistic and taught me as much as she knew herself. My desire was to go to an art school after I finished school. Those days money was short and my parents could not afford to send me. I always spent time drawing as a child.
Got married and with raising children and having to work my whole life art was something I longed to do. Every book or post in the house had something drawn on it which drove my husband crazy. When I was happy I spent time doodling on something and when I felt down I did the same thing.
I started buying books to teach me something about art and drawing when and where I could, in between raising children and working.
Over the years I have tried to teach myself to paint and love to do landscapes but my hearts desire is to paint well and sell my art if possible.
The ultimate dream is to do portraits as I feel people are wonderful subjects as every face tells a story.
I would love to win this art course so I could get the help and teaching that I so much desire. I’m sure I have developed bad habits that would drive professional artist mad, but I’m like a sponge and just want to learn as much as I can to improve my art.
Could I ask, please do vote for me. I would love to have the opportunity to learn from the best.
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