Artwork by Min Sung

Keeping the spirit of fine art alive in Estonia
My name is Sung, I’m 20 years old and live in Estonia, although I’m half-Korean.
I started drawing when I was a child (about six years old) by copying characters from Japanese anime shows and manga. The characters looked very basic but they had a certain appeal. My family loved my drawings (my mom painted as a hobby, my sister has a bachelors degree in jewellery art), but for some reason, I quit art and drawing completely for over ten years.
I bought a sketchbook and started studying from Andrew Loomis, who teaches the constructive method of drawing. I also started studying anatomy in my spare time (by watching YouTube tutorials and reading/studying from books). This year I found out about your other course, the Anatomy Master Class and I have to say, it has been amazing! It teaches you everything you need to know about how different body parts work so it has been a great guide for me on how to draw the figure from imagination.
However, there’s much more to the figure than just anatomy and I fell like Drawing Academy is the perfect place to learn everything I need. For example, it is still rather hard for me to draw figures from reference and capture the likeness (It’s much easier for me to draw figures from imagination). Also, because there are no good schools in Estonia that teach fine art (we only have conceptual art teachings) so I have no one to ask for help. Right now, I draw for about 8-10 hours a day.
The piece above I have drawn on a big, gray canvas using 3 black pencils, charcoal and a white pencil. As you can see, I can construct the figure but I still lack knowledge in parts like the ears and hair, I also have difficulty understanding values and shading (rendering).
My dream is to start an Illustration school in Estonia to teach the methods of the old (and new) masters, so that the “beautiful” way of drawing doesn’t get lost in the conceptual art world that Is dominating Estonia.
Please vote to help me make my dream come true.
With best regards,
Min, Sung
I like your style. :)
Keep up the good work! :3