Artwork by Kaylee Wheeler

Artwork by Kaylee Wheeler


So honestly, when i’m asked to talk about myself I always seem to draw a hard blank. Basically, I am almost 17 years old and my plan after high school is to join the Navy to become the first female Navy SEAL. However, many forms of art, such as drawing, music and dance, take up a huge part of my heart and have helped me through many things and I wish to continue with creating and choreographing while I am away.

Ever since I can remember I have had an affinity with drawing and many forms of art and through my darkest of times, art has constantly been what brings me out of my head and back to reality.

My difficulties really stem with anatomy, I struggle trying to learn it since I know that my drawing will still come out halfway decent without investing. I think Drawing Academy is a wonderful way to learn anatomy and many things about art, however I come from a poor family and of course we are not the worst off but we are in a constant struggle for money.

Because of that I have never been able to properly subscribe and have gotten any emails I could for free.

I want to win the Drawing Academy course to better myself and my art so I could become more comfortable with putting my art out there as well as making it a source of income.

I never want to be stuck with a job I do not love just so I can make by in the world. I want to genuinely enjoy my life and I love drawing. Before I decided to join the Navy, I wished to become an artist, but there are so many talented artists out there that I knew I needed to better myself before genuinely asking for commissions and such.

I know this is a pretty lengthy read but if you did read through it I want to say thank you for the consideration of your vote and I think you should vote for me to win this course because I genuinely want to thrive in art and invest my life in it. I’m very motivated to improve and I hope you would consider voting for me, thank you.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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