Artwork by Andrea

From Tugboat Captain to Artist
I have tried many forms of art over the years but never had the time to REALLY get into and REALLY learn. I’ve done photography since I was 16 (now 52), Even done Tattooing! I worked as a Ferry and tugboat Captain, sailed tall ships as crew. Painted many pretty boats and sold them. My kids are grown now and I have so many physical limitations due to injuries that I have been stuck inside a lot. I have no income at all anymore.
I have been oil painting wet on wet for over a year now. But have recently been learning old school techniques and want to learn other mediums as well. With my husband retired we cant afford things like the cost of this course. So every day I search the net for some tidbit of new information.
I would so thrilled to be able to see the videos and learn more and become a better artist. Art means so much to me. I don’t care what material things I own in this life and none of it matters in the end at all. What does it what we leave behind.
I want to leave something beautiful for others to hopefully enjoy.
I don’t sign my paintings and that bugs my husband. But I don’t paint for others to praise me. I paint cause it comforts my soul and makes my mind and heart happy. I have always had a over abundance of creativity, this is a good way to express it and turn it into something nice.
I want to be a better painter as there is always something else to learn. That is why I would be so happy to win a chance to grow and learn from these videos.
Thank you. Andrea
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